My name is Shelby Turcotte, I am the founder and CEO of the Basketball Coaching Academy. The academy was founded on the principle that top notch information with high quality coaching should be available to coaches at all levels. My goal is to provide to you the best basketball information from the best coaches and trainers who have been or are in the trenches developing basketball players from the youth level all the way through professional. I believe that sport (basketball in this case) mirrors life.
The game has taught me so much about hard work, discipline, goal setting, time management, as well as countless other skills that I still apply in my everyday life today.
I now believe that it’s time to share that knowledge to elevate the next generation of coaches and players.
My name is Shelby Turcotte, I am the founder and CEO of the Basketball Coaching Academy. The academy was founded on the principle that top notch information with high quality coaching should be available to coaches at all levels. My goal is to provide to you the best basketball information from the best coaches and trainers who have been or are in the trenches developing basketball players from the youth level all the way through professional. I believe that sport (basketball in this case) mirrors life.
The game has taught me so much about hard work, discipline, goal setting, time management, as well as countless other skills that I still apply in my everyday life today.
I now believe that it’s time to share that knowledge to elevate the next generation of coaches and players.

Training with coach Shelby has made me a more valuable player and enabled me to reach the professional level
Training with Shelby has improved my speed on the court and my vertical & horizontal explosiveness. I used to be one step slower, now I am one step faster!
Coach Shelby’s system of training has allowed me to maximize my athletic ability. I have been able to maximize strength, quickness and explosiveness which has helped me thrive as a 5’9″ basketball player!